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Artist Terry Lee Whetstone at work, in a photo recovered from his website, cached at

Feds: Artist Terry Lee Whetstone Is a Fake Indian


Federal prosecutors have charged artist Terry Lee Whetstone with falsely representing himself as Cherokee, according to a report at

Whetstone is not an enrolled member of one of the three federally recognized Cherokee Nations, but he is a member of the Northern Cherokee Nation, a group that is not federally recognized.

Editor's Note: Although sources reported that the Northern Cherokee Nation is recognized by the state of Missouri, this appears to be an error. An article from the Santa Clara Law Review tells of recognition efforts by the Tribe dating back to 1983, but concludes that no official recognition has ever been bestowed. The article adds that "the Missouri American Indian Council asserts that there are no domestic Indian tribes recognized by the state." A list of state-recognized Tribes at the National Conference of State Legislatures website includes no entries for Missouri. This article has been edited to reflect these findings.

Selling art as Native-made when it's not is a violation of the 1990 Indian Arts & Craft Act. The text of the act at the Indian Arts & Craft Board's website states that "Under the Act, an Indian is defined as a member of any federally or officially State recognized Indian Tribe, or an individual certified as an Indian artisan by an Indian Tribe."

Whetstone's website has been taken offline, but a cached version is viewable via the Internet Archive. His biography reads as follows:

A self-taught, talented American Indian Flute Performer and multi-faceted Artist. TerryLee reflects the history of his Cherokee heritage in his music and art. TerryLee recognizes a deep Spiritual connection and acknowledges these talents as gifts given to him from the Father. His Spiritual connection guides him in all endeavors, painting, poetry, jewelry design, or through the melodies he produces when playing the American Indian Flute. TerryLee proclaims "It is of the Father, my hands and eyes are guided by the heart and then the mind. My art is directed Spiritually."

Although the Feds are not sharing additional details beyond the court filing, the report mentions that Whetstone listed his ethnicity as "white" on a 1997 Jackson County marriage license application.

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Pat Thorpe Justice
Pat Thorpe Justice
Submitted by Pat Thorpe Justice on
Seems that people who claim to be part Native American are treated poorly and if they don't claim to be they're treated poorly. Who is to say? The head of the Cherokee tribe in Oklahoma stood up for Senator Elizabeth Warren and her claim to be part Cherokee but then she went silent on that. This man is recognized by his state to be on the Northern Cherokee Nation but, oops, once listed himself as white. I have all my life listed myself as white because I look white and was raised white but late in life two things occurred, on on the Dawes Roll and had a tribal card and number. She swore we should keep looking but maybe since our branch stopped in Northeast Arkansas, we were never enrolled. On my father's side, we finally met up with Jim Thorpe's daughter, Gail. Her research of her family had stopped had, a courthouse destroyed by flooding or fire. She determined we are cousins. That still does not give me legal proof.

Chief Greywolf's picture
Chief Greywolf
Submitted by Chief Greywolf on
How is he a "Fake Indian" ? If he is enrolled in a State Recognized Indian Tribe how does it make him Fake? Just because he is not enrolled in a Federally Recognized Tribe does not make him any less Indian than those enrolled in one. If this mentality keeps up the Government will have won on wiping out all Indians who they don't approve of. This is yet another form of Cultural Genocide and I don't approve of it in any shape or form. I am against Fake Indians but how is this person Fake? If he is indeed Native than whom am I to judge him on how much he is or is not?

tmsyr11's picture
Submitted by tmsyr11 on
In accordance with the NEW MEDIA SENSATIONALISTIC BOMBASTIC declaration, a WHITE MAN can now be an "indian" or what-ever they can call them-selves. If Jenner can be a "woman" If Rachel can be "black" If and Illegal can be "American" Why is "Terry Lee" being labeled as poser, fraud, etc? By the nature of Public Perception, a non-Indian has the 'right' to participate now in Indian Pow-wows, foods, indian cultural. To say otherwise, YOUR being racist, bigoted, simplistic, uninformed.

Melinda Curry
Melinda Curry
Submitted by Melinda Curry on
This should not read Fake Indian it would be more accurate to say More Federal Government BS. Frankly I do not need any government paper to tell me who I am. Blood Quantum is only Indians. Blood quantum isn't used to determine how African American you are. Only the American Indian has to prove blood quantum. More paper geneocide.

Melinda Curry
Melinda Curry
Submitted by Melinda Curry on
This should not read Fake Indian it would be more accurate to say More Federal Government BS. Frankly I do not need any government paper to tell me who I am. Blood Quantum is only Indians. Blood quantum isn't used to determine how African American you are. Only the American Indian has to prove blood quantum. More paper geneocide.

Melinda Curry
Melinda Curry
Submitted by Melinda Curry on
This should not read Fake Indian it would be more accurate to say More Federal Government BS. Frankly I do not need any government paper to tell me who I am. Blood Quantum is only Indians. Blood quantum isn't used to determine how African American you are. Only the American Indian has to prove blood quantum. More paper geneocide.

scd's picture
Submitted by scd on
Only the "white man" gives himself the authority to "define" what another human being is and the white man defined himself the moment he came to Turtle Island. OK, fair is fair, what's good for the Goose is good for the Gander. So let me take a moment to give myself the authority to define "The White Man!" First, I love what George Catlin once said concerning the Tribes...“I love a people who have always made me welcome to the best they had … who are honest without laws, who have no jails and no poor-house … who never take the name of God in vain … who worship God without a Bible, and I believe that God loves them also … who are free from religious animosities … who have never raised a hand against me, or stolen my property, where there was no law to punish either … who never fought a battle with white men except on their own ground … AND OH! HOW I LOVE A PEOPLE WHO DON"T LIVE FOR THE LOVE OF MONEY." There you have it! The definition of the white man...THE LOVE OF MONEY! After all that is what this is all about! This is what drove the white man to destroy the Tribes of Turtle Island...LAND, GOLD, GREED! They live for money! They will die for money! Their whole life evolves around money! Their GOD IS MONEY! Their love for money blinds them to the importance of the life of another human being. And I don't care what color a person might be, if their sole purpose in life is to make money at the cost of anything and everyone in their way, they are WHITE! I once told a white attorney "You can't reason with greed." He looked at me like he got a revelation because he had never heard that before. And it is true! You cannot reason with greed! And greed is the motivator of the white man...GREED! Tell me, how can a man murder millions of people with no conscience of the EVIL that they have committed? And all this talk about what would qualify a person to be "Indian," tell me what's behind it? MONEY! So, my definition of the white man is this. If you will steal, kill, destroy, lie, cheat, turn your back on another human being because if you help them it will cost you something and harm another human being for money, (and it doesn't matter what the color of your skin is) you are The White man!

shotwell77's picture
Submitted by shotwell77 on
The "Northern Cherokee Nation" is not a state-recognized tribe. In 2015, Missouri has no state recognized tribes. This group is just one of hundreds of organizations fraudulently claiming to be a Cherokee tribe.

Kevol's picture
Submitted by Kevol on
For further clarity on this article, refer to the original story on The Kansas City story makes the situation more clear, but one can assume that the feds may not have correctly interpreted the Indian Arts & Crafts law: "Neither Whetstone nor his lawyer responded to requests for comment, and he is not a member of the federally recognized Cherokee Nation, according to records of the Oklahoma-based tribe. But he is an enrolled member of the Northern Cherokee Nation, according to Chief Kenn Grey Elk. And while that nation is not federally recognized, it is officially recognized by the state of Missouri, according to Grey Elk.... For purposes of complying with the Indian art law, the artist must be an enrolled member of a tribe officially recognized by the federal government or a state. It is unclear whether Grey Elk’s assertion that Whetstone is a member with the Northern Cherokee Nation will have any impact on the federal case." Read more here: